The past few days have seen an uprising from our young people. Their courage has been so influential that Kenyans of all ages and cultures have banded together in a bid to reject Kenya’s 2024 proposed finance bill.

We give props to all the men and women that showed up and showed out. We see you. We salute you!

We though to share some helpful tips that will aid you in caring for yourself during this time.We are big believers that understand that to tend to others, you must start with yourself. 

1. Hydrate

This is crucial for both your internal and external health. Marching and chanting at the same time can take a toll on you, add the sun to this equation and therein lies dehydration. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day to keep yourself well hydrated. Drinking enough water also helps reduce the effects of sun damage on your face and body.

2. Shower

Immediately you get home, throw your clothes in a laundry hamper, preferably outside, then stand in the shower for a while. Set your shower to cool or luke-warm and let all the chemical compounds you have interacted with e.g., from teargas, rinse off you.

This will also give you a moment to calm down from your day. Now grab your washcloth and soap and take a long, EVERYTHING, shower. Clean every nook and cranny of your body (including your hair and beard).

Do not take a bath as this will have you sitting in dirt. If you feel like you need a bath to relax, you can first shower, then soak in a bath with epsom salt to ease your fatigue.

3. Eat

Appetite or not, you must eat! Food is fuel for your body and you will need all the fuel you can get after being engaged all day.

Prep your meals before you leave the house so that you don’t have to deal with cutting onions after inhaling teargas. This is not a struggle you want.

You may want to order in or go to a drive through, (KFC-IYKYK) but we encourage you to prepare healthy, high protein meals such as chicken or bean stews as they make you stronger and help heal any wounds you may have much faster.

4. Stretch

Picketing - whether online or otherwise is a physical activity that will have your muscles moving - contracting and expanding. You will be tired and might want to just lay down but you need to stretch before bed and first thing in the morning. All you need is 5-10 minutes and you will be good to go. No pesky muscle pulls as you fight for this and future generations!

 5. Mental Health Support

Given the couple of weeks we have all had, consider the potential need for mental health support and engage support services if needed.

Take care of yourself - fill your own cup so that you may have more to pour into others.

Stay safe out here.

Mandevu’s got your tips… through the changes!

Words: Ciku Kimani

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