You want to grow a beard, but you either shave it off after a short while or end up looking like Tom Hanks in "Cast Away"? We have the best grooming tips for you to maintain a long and neat beard. So much is revealed: Stay patient and keep it soft!
Good beards come to those who wait
Put away your razor! The most important thing when it comes to growing a full beard is, of course, patience. Even if it scratches and keeps getting itchy, always remember: it will pass. When you shave, you create little spears on the tips of your hair, which tend to poke your skin – especially the neck area - when they get longer. Give your beard about two to three weeks and try to make it softer by using beard oils.
True Love is like a beard, it never ends, it only grows
Let’s stick to the beard oil: if you love your beard (which you should), then you have to take care of it. Washing it, like you do with your hair, and the regular use of beard oil will not only moisturise your hair, but will also keep your skin soft. The products are mostly made of argan, jojoba or almond oil to moisture the skin, and tea tree or peppermint oil, because of the fragrance. Apply it once a day to make your beard shiny, soft and presentable for the ladies.
With great beards comes great responsibility
In the course of time your beard gets longer and longer and tends to look scruffy after a while. Taking care of it includes not only using products, but also trimming it regularly. At this point, there are two options: You can either visit your local barber, who will surely make it look on fleek, or you decide to trim it yourself. Then you should look for the right tools that suit you best: You can trim it with scissors, in which case you may consider buying a professional barber’s scissors. If you prefer using a trimmer, a rechargeable model without a cord comes in handy.
You don’t choose the beard, it chooses you
Every beard is different - so is his owner. What works for you, might not work for someone else. The shape and style that suits you best mostly depends on the structure of your hair and the shape of your face. If you want your face to look slimmer, you can help it by keeping the hair fuller on the chin and shave it along your cheekbones. If your face is square-shaped, keep the hair shorter in the sides and focus on the chin. If you have an oval face shape, then consider yourself lucky – any kind of beard will suit you. Why not try something original, like a sheriff mustache?
This article first appeared