Although mental health month is in June, men’s mental health is a concern all year round with men being four times more likely to commit suicide, making up to 80% of people who commit suicide.

The conversation around men's emotional and mental wellbeing has seen a positive change in the last few years, however, these jarring stats still remain.

Additionally, this year has brought with it new aspects that have been a trigger for mental health issues for Kenyans.

With this in mind, here are a few tips to keep your mental health strong in all situations.

  1. Self care

We may sound like a broken record with this one, but it is one of the most important things you can do.

A few ideas for self care are: take long showers/baths, do a skin and beard care routine, rest, listen to and watch wholesome content that will encourage rather than trigger you further.


2. Exercise

Endorphins are amazing at combating depression, stress and anxiety. Break a sweat at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes and you will notice a difference in both your body and mind within 1 month.

Men are actually God’s favourite when it comes to working out as results show a lot more and a lot faster compared to your female counterparts.

3. Call/Meet up with a friend

Schedule a call or meet up with a good friend, not just any friend. A friend that you look up to. One that has your best interests at heart. Someone that is a safe space - you trust him/her and they will give you both reason and comfort.

4. Silence

Have you heard meditation gurus saying that the answers you are looking for are within you and are found in silence? Well, this is a fact.

You don't have to download any apps or sit in any position. You could even lie down (but do not fall asleep), and take at least 10 minutes to yourself every day.

With all the distractions going on, we may end up glued to our screens all day. Turn your TV off, put away your phone and take a beat.

If you have a family, ask them to give you that time. Within a month, they will notice how it positively changes you and they may even ask you to take an hour for yourself!


Let us know: what are the most harrowing things you have had to deal with as a man? What has gotten you out of your lowest moments?


Keep your head up.

Do not be afraid to ask for help.

Love and be kind to yourself and those around you.

Mandevu’s got your mental wellness!


WORDS: Ciku Kimani




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