Protagonist Beards

Protagonist Beards

According to the dictionary, a protagonist is:

the leading character or one of the major characters in a play, film, novel, etc.

"the novel's main protagonist is an American intelligence officer"

This article doubles as a beard appreciation piece as well as a movie/show recommendation – we will try our best not to give too many spoilers just in case you haven’t watched these.

Rick Grimes – Walking Dead

If you watch walking dead, then you know how influential this character is. He is the person you want around in case of a zombie apocalypse.

This show is extremely binge worthy so make sure you don’t watch it when you have an early morning.

Khal Drogo – Game of Thrones

Monday morning was a stressful time for those of us who were fans of this show. Going on social media was like walking through a minefield because of all the spoilers.

This is another binge worthy show, but you will need to brace yourself for a lot of heartbreak.

Pro tip: do not get attached to any character.

Honorary Mention: Tyrion Lannister/The Imp – Game of Thrones

We feel as though this character didn’t get enough love for his efforts in the show and his beard game as well.

Walter White- Breaking Bad

Did you notice the more this guy grows his beard the cooler and smarter he becomes?

Coincidence? We think not.

Chris Gardner- Pursuit of Happyness

You may recognize the picture on the right as a popular meme. This is a scene from the Pursuit of Happyness which is a film that will have you in all your emotions.

If you have kids, this is also a great film to watch with your son.

Mandevu’s got your recommendations!

Words: Ciku Kimani

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